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lily Gardening lily

We have been gardening since childhood. In the early days we had to share in the garden work as a family responsibility. Now we do it out of enjoyment. Our garden used to be mostly vegetables but is changing to mostly flowers. We still have to have tomatoes and lettuce. There were as many as 150 varieties of lilies, i.e., species and cultivars of the genus Lilium. I have cut back on lilies and expanded my planting of other flower varieties and shrubs. Here are some pictures of selected flowers and scenes from the place we call home.

Seasonal Scenes

Spring Summer
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Fall Winter
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Lilium Hybridizing

Here is my first and only lily hybrid to bloom. I have lost track of its parentage but obviously has some trumpet heritage. I know I had used 'Green Magic' in some crosses, this may be one of them. It is not registered but it is named. The first year it had a flower bud a deer made it part of a tasty meal. The following year it had a couple of buds but we were gone for the few days during which it bloomed. The flowers were gone when we got back. Finally, it bloomed and we were home to see it. The petals have a slight twist to them.

Lady Margaret

(click to enlarge)
Lady Margaret

Lady Margaret
Lady Margaret Lady Margaret

Lady Margaret

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